Friday, December 7, 2012

Late Friday afternoon

Can't believe it's already Friday.  Seems the weeks just whiz by when December hits.  A slower passage of time would be acceptable, I'm thinking.

Planning on going to prayers at church tonight. And trying to have a quiet day. Succeeding with that, for the most part, but still have to dust and vacuum. With the rain and breezy weather, we have lots of leaves to dispose of that have sneaked in the doorways.

The younger kids and I began making books today---this with a tutorial I found on Pinterest that uses plain old paper sacks.  You simply cut the bottom out of the sacks, cut the pieces to size, wet them (and you can wad them up for nice wrinkles), then hang them to dry.  Afterward iron the pieces so you get a good crunchy sound (I'm partial to paper money that's gotten wet and has to be ironed---a delicious crunchy sound that makes!).  I looked up coptic stitch, which is how the pages are sewn together, but I punched holes and we sewed them together with yarn.  Easier and quicker, not that we were in any hurry.  The least one brushed gesso on her pages with the store logo on them, and she and I put paper on the outsides of ours for covers.  Will work more on them when the glue dries.  Just something out of the ordinary to do---a break from boring old schoolwork.  And honestly, after teaching these kids for about 20 years, anything to break the monotony is a good one in my book (please forgive the pun).

Must go now.  I've got about an hour to whip the house into shape, just wish I had the enthusiasm for it. :)  Blah, blah, blah.