Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Chin up...

Okay, I sort of spewed on the blog last night, and you'll have to bear with me. Depression stinks.  STINKS. Thankfully, and I mean this sincerely, the gentleman who wants the folding bar came in with a deposit today.  That does help a bit.

I've noticed, and Gary's remarked on this too, that my mood (the dark side) often seems to line up with circumstances, and it's not always an inside job in that I can't always blame my brain, etc.  It can be either my pocketbook (which seems to get a hole in the lining more often than not), or news about someone we know, or the national news.  Doesn't matter what it is, I empathize way too much.  I hurt and it's hard to avoid that.  Turns out my best plan of action is to live in a little bubble and turn things off, or avoid them altogether.  Do you know how hard that is?  But for my own health, I really need to work on this.

So now I have a choice to enjoy the holiday weekend, or be down in the dumps.  The choice isn't easy, because changing the way I react is hard.  I have to tune things out, and toughen up a bit.  Focus.  Take deep breaths and enjoy the little things.

Now then, all I have to do tomorrow is let the termite man into the backyard (first thing), figure out what to take to church tomorrow for the soup supper before the play, and help the least one make a crown to wear since she's going to be a wise man and not an angel after all.  Darn, that pair of wings sure was cute, but they redistributed the parts on Sunday.  I admit, she looks a treat in the purple costume she'll wear.  Adorable.

The house still looks like people ran through it covered in dog hair, forgot to put things away, and went "weee, weee, weee," but that's fixable.  Just might take more time than I bargained for.  Depression and sloth.  Sadly they're bedfellows.