In the past two days have spent a total of 8 hours at the dental school with fourth son. My first response to someone oohing and aahing over that fact is to say, "Oh, it wasn't so bad, and it worked out really well." My honest response is to say that it exhausted me and slightly put me over the edge. Our son got a bit zingy as well. While the cost of going there is well under what it would cost at a regular dentist, you have to be prepared to stay awhile. It is a balance.
And Violet the pug has a bladder issue which might entail a visit to the vet tomorrow. This isn't Daisy the pug who had bladder stone surgery back in January, but her sister who never gets sick, but who had a bladder stone pass a few weeks ago. Crap. She's straining to 'go' and it might be another stone. With the amounts of water and milk we've gotten into her, though, you'd figure she'd explode at some point and shoot any stone right out of her. You'd think. You can see where my prayers are going.
Other things are pinching (but realize that blog readers would rather read mostly up-beat things, so in that case, move along little dogies if you're in that group) and I could probably pull out lots of hair before it'd show. There's plenty to spare.
I told Gary tonight that I'd like for God to be a slot-machine sometimes, and I'm sure some of you feel the same way at times. I'd love to put in a prayer and have the solution pop out at me. That. Very. Minute. Doesn't happen like that, unfortunately, and it's a faith thing. I do like the slot-machine idea, though. Anyway, as I told him that, he gave me a look. He's good at that. I say what maybe he thinks, but is too respectable to say. Me and God....thankfully He's very generous to my sometimes disrespectful thoughts and comments. God's grace covers me every time, otherwise, I'd be lying flat on my back.