Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday evening

Oh my, what a day.  Stress from middle daughter's first official acolyte adventure (she wasn't able to sleep last night---didn't nod off until 4:30am) and anticipating a visit this afternoon to our elderly neighbor at the care center. Arrrrggghhh!  All's well, though.  Daughter did great at church (and yes, that's her at the side---isn't she a doll?), and with all but one of her siblings showing up, was glad of the support.  They don't all go to the Anglican church, but were there for her, which is what it's all about, anyway.

And our neighbor looked better than his daughter implied. Fourth son and I were a bit antsy about what to expect, but it wasn't what we were anticipating.  He's obviously weaker than since he first went to the hospital but he's in his nineties, so not unexpected.  Strangely, the doctors believe he's got Sundowner's Syndrome, (in addition to everything else that's wrong with him) which is something I've never heard of.  It's a precursor of Alzheimer's and displays symptoms when evening sets in...hence the name.  The strongest symptom our neighbor has is being verbally abusive to his daughter.  He's fine during the day, and as it gets darker, so does his mood. Goodness, brain dysfunction is so fascinating.  And I'm not saying that in a critical way, but it really is amazing.

In the past I've had migraines so bad that, a couple of times, I talked all jumbled up. Gary said it was like I was talking backwards.  I wanted to say certain words and they just wouldn't come out right.  Like a TIA (mini-stroke).  For that reason alone, I think brain issues are completely fascinating.  I understand a bit of that.

Another bit of news.  The least one was asked if she'd be in the children's Christmas pageant.  She's going to be an angel.  I'm so excited, I could squeal.  Shades of the movie Prancer, with the main character (except for Sam Elliott, of course) playing an angel as well.

Going to go now.  I need to chill, big time.  Too much news, most of it good. :)