Monday, December 17, 2012

The facts...

  • i'd be fine if we skipped Christmas this year
  • not kidding, but not meaning to sound grinchy, either
  • and it's not that i've done practically nothing
  • it's more that my heart just isn't in it
  • and hasn't been
  • funny, but our kids aren't being annoying about the holidays
  • guess they figure we'll get it in gear eventually
  • we meaning *me*
  • told gary the other day that i was a bit weary of being the one who's always depended on to do certain things around the house
  • toilet paper, garbage bags, dog food and cream for coffee seem to be in my jurisdiction
  • the others will buy milk and coffee
  • and not to beat up on anyone, but our kids are good about buying groceries---it's just that they all seem to forget certain things
  • i'd rather not be depended on so much
  • mothering and being a wife are exhausting jobs
  • the list never gets completed---which is a major frustration
  • i get cranky, but generally feel that i need to keep it bottled up
  • not doing too well with that
  • it shows
  • then gary tells me to eat something
  • it's not always blood sugar issues, though, as he well knows, but cookies are always nice
  • a bit nervous about singing with the choir on this Sunday and on Christmas Eve
  • they're will only be about 7 or 8 of us, but that just makes you stick out more
  • i'd rather be a background player
  • when i shook our priest's hand on Sunday, he looked me in the eye (with a twinkle) and asked if i was planning on singing with the choir---i asked if he was making me---he said he was (again with a twinkle)
  • man
  • i've stuck my foot in it, for sure
  • sorta excited about it, though, partly because they wear neat choir gear
  • a black cassock underneath and the white garment over the top (don't know its name)
  • hopefully it's slimming (haha)
  • oh, i just need to go to bed and turn off my head
  • you know how it is---get worn out and being fretting---off to read now