Thursday, December 20, 2012

Simple pleasures

There's a pleasant mix of ages at church, and one older woman has always caught my eye.  I tend to sit on the right side of the church, and generally, she sits across the aisle with her daughter (who's about my age, or a bit younger).  Anyway, this woman is probably in her late eighties, is a bit tall, slender and carries a black and silver cane.  She always looks impeccable in lots of black.  The first time I saw her, I literally caught my breath, and yes, she wears hats.

She is stunning.

Finally I worked up my courage to speak to her, after telling her daughter weeks ago that I thought her mom looked incredible.

Anyway, at the children's pageant, they were sitting a couple of rows in front of us and I went up to speak to the mother.  I introduced myself and said that I loved seeing her come to church because she always looks so beautiful.  She answered by saying that her clothes were all so OLD.  She emphasized that, but it was all said with her blue eyes shining and with a smile on her face.  I told her that they weren't old, but so classy.

I think I have a crush on her. :)  But, oh, to look so gorgeous at that age.  To look that well at my age!  Oh my.