Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Well, the day spreads out in front of me. Got up early in anticipation of the termite man, who has since been and gone. Turns out he didn't spray, but did an inspection---oddly enough, both costing the same whether he used a chemical or not. Hmmm. Said the state won't allow them to spray every time. New regulations. They have to see bugs before they can spray. I say, whatever happened to preventative care? Not to the termite guy, though. He was frustrated as well that they can't do their job, but that someone's peeking over their shoulders. Regulations. More regulations. But love the pest control company we use---they're always so sweet and polite. Wish I'd had some Christmas cookies to give him.

Anyway, with the ability to pay some bills on the horizon, my mood has lightened.  The sun helps.  I must drum up some energy to clean, though.  The house is one major PU.

Will make angel biscuits to take to the soup supper tonight.  Thinking they already have enough soup to serve, least the list I saw on Sunday appeared so.  And the least one put back a tin of cookies she baked to take as well. Bought her a new bottle of sprinkles, and with one small batch of cookies made, the little bottle is almost empty.  Silly girl.

Must go.  Time to get it in gear.  Take care.