Friday, December 28, 2012

On the Fourth Day of Christmas

Wm. Holman Hunt's 'The Triumph of the Innocents'
Besides being the Fourth Day of Christmas, it's also the celebration of the Feast of the Holy Innocents.  Now, being a new Anglican, I'm unfamiliar with lots that goes on.  I will say, however, that the old school churches have such a wonderful grip on history, and what needs to be remembered.  And to have symbols and feast days to commemorate them is a sweet reminder.

Our priest made the correlation tonight with the martyred children who Herod had slain to our present-day abortion nightmare.  And of course, everyone is reminded of the innocent children and adults who died 2 weeks ago today in Connecticut.  It all falls together.

Twelve of us were at the service, and truly, I enjoy the small ones better than Sundays. Never in my life has church touched me so deeply.  And amen to that.