Without a doubt, the children's Christmas pageant last night was the cutest thing I've seen in ages and ages. We all had such fun and one little girl playing a sheep stole the show by saying "Baaa" in a quiet little voice here and again throughout the service. She was hilarious. And, yes, the least one looked adorable as a wise man. We made her a crown out of cereal box cardboard covered in some green floral shelf paper I had, and put glitter on it. She was so sparkly. And the kids all had rosy cheeks at the end, mostly from excitement and nerves, I'm guessing.
And beforehand, a real tree was set up and our boys helped put up the star and hang the lights. Nice for our offspring, since we can't have a real tree at home with me being allergic. I'll tell you--that's a pain to not have a real one. Bronchitis which follows isn't a choice, though. The church smelled wonderful with all the greenery...they'd bought wreaths as well. We'll have a 'hanging of the greens' service on Sunday after a Said Eucharist and a Christmas breakfast. Phew. Lots to do.
Afterwards, as we were getting in Gary's Suburban, I made a remark about how beautiful the church looked from the street. The lights were still on in the nave and the stained glass looked so pretty. Was thinking about how it looked to anyone who passed, or to folks in the neighborhood. Small, quaint, homey and very Mitford-like. I know I've said it before, but asked Gary if we'd ever been part of a sweeter church and he agreed that we'd not. He laughed that I'd finally after years and years found a place I really loved, and he's right. The thing about him is that while he's not quite sure about all the liturgy, he's really enjoying meeting some folks. That's good for him since he works alone at the shop all day and needs man-talk sometimes.
Must rest now. Dealing with migraine-like nonsense, and have to grab some quiet. Remember to take some time for yourself when you can. Hectic days ahead if we're not careful. :)