Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Took the two youngest girls to Ash Wednesday noon-time services.  Really, I should be an official spokeswoman for the Anglican church.  I love it so much. And am so regretful that the Protestants dropped off so many traditions with the Reformation.  The Liturgy is beautiful and the kneeling and the sign of the cross, and the repeated's wonderful.  The call to prayer is 'The Lord be with you' and we respond, 'And with thy spirit' and the priest says, 'Let us pray.'  I love that.  It's the small, yet comfortingly repetitive phrases and verses that stick in your heart.  Even last night at dinner someone I was talking to called it Catholic-lite (not the first time I've heard that phrase), especially this being, pretty much, a High Church congregation.  All Anglican parishes aren't as liturgical as the one we attend, but glad ours is old school.

For me there's something endearing about the services.  It's worshipful in a day and time when churches are modernizing at such a rate, and more contemporary music is used, and the sense of the Holy is often diminished.  I read about other churches (thinking about the Emergent congregations) that are reaching out to the old traditions, but the handling of them isn't always on target.  They're grasping at the old ways but without the real knowledge of what it means.  Church for them often becomes simply decorative and not long-serving, if that even makes any sense.  It becomes an outward expression without the roots.  Oh well, enough deep thought...

Anyway, resting now and will go pick up 4th son in about an hour and then shop for Valentine's Day.  Fun.  Taco Soup for dinner which is what one son requested.  At church our priest talked about fasting, being that Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are typical fasting days with the Anglicans.  The way I see it, my anemia won't allow me much room to fast, and anyway, with my older sons and husband not being Anglican, it'd be mean to enforce a meal restriction to those who don't agree.  It'd be a bit horsey on my part, and you can't make that right no matter how you slice it.

Take care.