Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Books to read

~forced forsythia by the kitchen sink 
Last night I ordered a couple of books online using my Swagbucks that had added up to $10.  Love using their search engine, earning points, then getting Amazon gift cards to use online without any cost whatsoever.  No hidden strings.  Just free stuff.

Anyway, one I ordered is called Evangelicals on the Canterbury Trail by Robert E. Webber, and another is Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader by Anne Fadiman.  And tonight, with $2 left over, only had to pay 2 additional dollars to get Thomas Howard's Splendor in the Ordinary: Your Home as a Holy Place. Sounds like I'll be busy.  But do I need more books?  Really, I'm such an addict.  No question about that.

And on hold at the library I've selected two by Erica Bauermeister---one called The Lost Art of Mixing (her newest), and 500 Great Books by Women:  A Reader's Guide.  Her book The School of Essential Ingredients (which I've read before) and Thomas Howard's Evangelical Isn't Enough aren't in yet (Sara, I think the Howard is one you mentioned to me).

And...just finished re-reading SarahWoodhouse's Meeting Lily, which has a title that is at odds with the story.  But that's okay.  I've enjoyed Woodhouse's other books as well.  The title is incidental.