Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday, but feels like Friday

need one of these
So, the other night oldest daughter ordered herself a fold-up-able pink exercise bike which came by UPS late yesterday.  She put it together, and it really is peachy.  Not big, tucks out of the way and seems very well-made.  On the same note, Gary's got a bee in his bonnet to buy a treadmill and put it in 'what used to be' our breakfast room, but which now has a table, bookshelves, our deep freeze and my craft stuff (sewing machine, basket of mendables, etc.).  Since I've been very slow at getting my craft space underway, and since the table seems to attract all sorts of oddments, he probably figures it'll never get used for its proper purpose (aka knows as 'my' purpose).

Am in a bit of a quandary about that area now.  Actually this morning I cleaned off the clothes that had lost their way, a lone white potato, clothespins that had wandered from the pin bag, plastic grocery bags, and bits off of a plant that sits on the table.  A catch-all is what that room and especially the table have become.  I figure until he really actually buys a treadmill (our tax refund at work), I'll use the space for me.  We'll see how long this lasts.  Maybe he'll get distracted.

Wish I could get motivated to simply use the sidewalk outside as our treadmill.  I mean, there's plenty of it, and it does wind all around the neighborhood.  It's the lazy side of me that resists doing that, though.

That's about all on my pea-brain mind.  Not major worries, but just trying to fit it all in.

Will rest for a bit, then go pick up 4th son at work.  Stop at the store on the way home, then turn right back around and take the little girls to the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at church.  Youngest son is sick, so won't be going---Gary's working late, two oldest boys will be at work, and oldest daughter, oldest son and 4th son will likely not be tempted by pancakes.  Just me and the little girls.

Sounds way too busy, though, doesn't it?  Still working on the mental attitude of knowing my limits.  Guess it's just not clicked yet, eh?