Sunday, February 3, 2013

Books and such

Last night I began reading another Susan Howatch book in her Starbridge series.  They're about the Church of England in a time span of somewhere in the 1930's, and the one I've just begun (6th, I think in the series) is in the 1970's with a brief journey to the sixties.  Since I'm a new Anglican, I find them curious, but am sort of surprised at the worldliness of the priests.  Guess they're just folks like the rest of us, but frankly, I tend to hold priests, ministers and other church leaders in high regard, so figure they're above certain behavior.  But if this book is any indication, I need to let these guys off their pedestals. It's not fair, I reckon.  Humans.  We're all humans.  Some of us are redeemed, but even so, we mess up.  I guess it's the degree of the messing up that's held up to standard.  For some, there is no standard.  Fail.

And from the Little Lending Library behind the church I grabbed a Flannery O'Connor.  My husband is a huge fan of hers, and has made me (yes, made me) read a few of her short stories, getting a kick out of the horrified expression on my face when I finish them.  O'Connor was an expert at shocking her readers, and must have gotten great pleasure in that. My goodness.  Anyway, Gary's already read all or most of her writings, but I thought maybe he'd not read this one.  'Course he had, so I might get into it, but I'm scared.  She really does disturb me.  This one is Wise Blood, by the way, and the first few pages look familiar.  I might have started it and chickened out at some point.  Likely.

That's about it for here.  The house, at least the public parts, are almost tidy enough for company later on.  The chicken is cooked and ready to be made into our Greek pie.  The fillo dough is thawing and I just have to assemble the deliciousness. Hoping someone gets the clever idea to go buy some dessert for afters.  It won't be me, but am open to takers.  Cake would be perfect.

Well, must go.  Need to rest, and figure out what to read.  Take care.