I promised the three youngest that we'd get out and do something different today---something to break the monotony. Unfortunately I woke up on the far, grumpy side of the bed. So cranky. It got better, though, when I was dressed and ready to leave. We just went to McD. for their dollar menu and took our lunch to a park with a lake nearby. So nice. I was thinking it'd be cloudy today, but it's warmish and sunny. Perfect.
Seems I rarely spend time outside anymore. It's work, work, work for me. I go out to hang out clothes, but just that. It's so hard as a mother to find time to just stop. I moan and groan about it, but do little to change things until I either get sick or hear of someone else's trials. That sort of puts it into perspective.
We stopped at the grocery to pick up things to make marinara sauce for dinner (my sweet friend Tina's recipe). And we were able to see one of the men who works there who we've not seen since before the holidays. He had a massive heart attack on Thanksgiving, and has just come back to work. As I said, these sorts of stories put life into perspective.
Enjoy the day. That's the message here. Enjoy it.
(my three youngest..can you see that daughter on the left has pink hair tips?)