Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Just jotting down my thoughts...

Went to the Intercessory Prayer group at church after lunch.  Such a sweet group of folks, ones I'd call the core group of the church.  They're the older members, former Episcopalians from the mainline Episcopal churches, who were disillusioned at the liberal stance that denomination has chosen.  They're very conservative folks and so sweet to me.  There were only five of us at the prayer meeting, but it was perfect.  And as I've said before, EVERYtime I walk in the door at that church, I'm thankful.  Overwhelmed at how much I enjoy it there.  It really is amazing.  So many times we settle when we decide on things.  We balance what's good versus what's an annoyance.  I can honestly say that the negatives are so minor, as to be almost non-existent.  And the gentleman who was a little bothersome awhile back doesn't irritate me anymore.  A bit of an attitude adjustment on my part was important, but thankfully, it's not an issue.

Afterwards came home after a trip to the dollar store for some more battery-operated tealights and a couple of Valentine things.  This is, once again, the Carousel of Gifts for Gary.  Every February I shower him with one gift/day. Just nonsensical stuff, but he seems to enjoy it.  Today he gets one of those balloons on a stick---a monkey.  As I said---nonsense.  Tomorrow it's an owl Valentine cookie.  Just sayin' it's very silly.  And it's just what I do what with our anniversary, Valentine's Day and my birthday being wrapped up in one month.  I do love February.

Hoping to chill tonight.  The rest of the week feels full.  Tomorrow night, oldest daughter, fourth son and I are going to eat at the culinary school where sweet Indian boyfriend takes classes.  Supposedly it's pretty swanky.  He wanted us to come see what it's all about.  And Friday the least one has a birthday dinner to go to at a local fast food place.  She's beside herself with excitement.

Will be glad when Saturday is here with nothing to do!   Old homebody me likes to stay put.