Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mid-week rambles

  • sick
  • sore, lumpy throat and a bit of a cough
  • not pleased i caught what the kids have passed around
  • figure i've just been worn out and my resistance let down
  • in a way it's nice
  • while the house is messy, it's a comfortable mess
  • at least that's what i'm telling myself
  • puttered around in the kitchen this morning
  • no guilt about schoolwork since the kids were all laid up
  • i think i get so preoccupied at teaching them that the enjoyment of it is sometimes nil
  • figure if it's a worry then it's really not a concern, 'cause if i was a real slacker, i'd not worry in the first place
  • that makes sense in my head
  • was fretting over middle daughter last night
  • her temperature rose, she was flushed and just seemed to wither
  • she's better after a night's sleep, but has orders to stay in bed
  • the least one is watching an old movie in the living room, with violet the pug in her lap
  • daisy is here with me in bed
  • don't tell gary
  • she's a cozy little muffin
  • if you look at the weather map, it'll fool you into thinking we're covered in sleet and soon-to-be snow
  • the sun's actually out
  • huh
  • there's something a bit comforting about having a houseful of sick ones
  • the energy level goes way down and that's a relief
  • it's way too noisy here most times, and our youngest dog, romeo, who has no idea that he can have an inside barking voice, is VERY loud
  • to him, everyone (including us) who comes to the door is a stranger
  • i think his vision is impaired, really
  • he'll study you when you come in the door, before he gets a good whiff of you
  • will certainly rattle your cage
  • must go now...will rest, then putter some more