Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday morning

photo by oldest daughter, anna
Woke up this morning to half of my brood already having flown the coop.  First and second sons were out the door by 6:30am and husband and fourth son both overslept and whoooshed away just in time to get son to work on time.  Daughter left a bit ago, third son is sleeping off and on at neighbor's house (the home of the elderly man who recently passed away), yet I'm left with the 3 youngest.  Did I forget anyone?!??!

It's still nice and quiet with the kids getting up one by one.  We rarely get up early, since the restaurant working boys get home so late.  It puts everyone off their schedules.

Later on this morning I'll take the least one to the thrift store and dollar store nearby to find something new to wear, plus a gift for the birthday dinner we're going to this evening.  She's about to go crazy with excitement, and that mood is contagious, so that's a treat.  Little girls.  There ain't nothing like 'em. :)

But nonetheless, looking forward to a low-key weekend.  I've done enough running around, and when she and I get back tonight, there's no pressure to do anything else except get some groceries in for the next couple of days.  And next week will be busy enough with Ash Wednesday services and the beginning of other mid-week/Friday night services. Looking forward to the Stations of the Cross next Friday evening.  The Easter procession of activities last spring were really what convinced me that the Anglican church was where I wanted to be.  Such holiness and reverence that I'd never experienced before.  Looking forward to all it has to offer during the next few weeks.  Makes me feel all warm inside.

Now must go.  Since I was out last night, the kitchen and dining/living room need attention.  Looks a bit rowdy.  Take care now, and enjoy your day.