Thursday, December 26, 2013

'Stones for Bread' by Christa Parrish

Christa Parrish's book called Stones for Bread is mesmerizing. After downloading the e-book to review, I instantly began reading, only to look forward so much to the next night's installment. Parrish's book is amazingly full of bread recipes, rich dialogue, and characters that are unique and totally believable.  I loved it.

About depression:  "In my mother, as dishes piled up and cocoons of dust huddled in corners and her dark moments overcame her.  No one should have to shrink this way."

Her sentences grab you and cause you to take notice.  I couldn't take it all in---such a beautiful story.

It's about a young woman, in her thirties, who's the owner of an artisan-style bakery.  Her bread is all original and far beyond anything I've ever tried to bake.  Works of art.  That's what Liesl McNamara creates.  But she has baggage.  The pain of her mother's suicide, and her dad's re-birth into the church which causes Liesl heartache since she feels he's in part abandoned her. Plus she becomes involved in a relationship which puts her in the position to make difficult choices.  Oh, and she's chosen to take part in a televised bake-off with a famous fancy baker. Lots going on, and highly recommended.

My only regret is that I wasn't able to receive a print copy of the book.  Would love to thumb through it, underlining and turning down corners.  I marked several passages, and with the Kindle, that's sort of difficult. Not impossible, but do-able.  Might order the hard copy just because.  It's that good.

(i received this book free to review from thomas nelson/booksneeze)