Fourth son made me a hot cup of Chai in his Keurig machine after dinner. I think the kids were being solicitous to me since I made a comment while dinner was warming that made them take notice. I'd been out doing chore-type-things this afternoon---taking said son to friend's vet to drop off food for her dogs, dropping off third son at recruiter's office---he's to be sworn in tomorrow. Then several of us stopped off at the store for a few items we'd run out of---dish soap, toilet paper, this and that. After we got home, I began taking out the leftovers from yesterday's Christmas dinner and put much of it in the oven. Then there was a sinkful of dishes to wash. As time passed and the food was almost done, I realized I'd not sat down since we'd gotten home. A full hour of standing on my feet, moving about in the kitchen, feeding Pugs, etc. I commented on it and oldest daughter sent me to sit in the living room while she finished up.
I don't always realize how busy I stay until I get too exhausted to care. I just keep on, keeping on. Hoping this new year finds me able to delegate my time better. With Mom's schedule being up in the air, as to what will happen when she gets out of rehab, I'd be smart to have a plan for self-care that works for me. Having a parent who's had a stroke doesn't bode well for me if I'm neglectful of my own health now, does it?
More rest, time to be creative, maybe more of an ability to say no, and more solid home time. Those are my wishes.