Resting in bed. I've not made much effort at rest-time in the afternoon lately, so am playing catch up. Still suffering some tiredness from the flu, but much better. The cough remains, but that's, pretty much, all.
Oldest daughter and I went to see a movie last night---Judi Dench's newest called 'Philomena' and enjoyed it. Some language, but we did enjoy the story. Sad, but sweet.
And while we were gone, the little girls put up the tree. So grateful for that. I wasn't able to get in the mood to initiate it. In related news, I'm wanting a day tomorrow to putter around, vacuum all the dust bunnies that are lurking and put up some decorations. Just a day without things I HAVE to do, and the time and ability to do what I WANT to do. Trying to make time. We've talked about going to a Christmas parade, but it's raining now, and not sure but they'll be rained out. That'd suit me just fine.
Thinking how my mom's stroke has changed the way I look at things, or at least has changed the potential of looking at life differently. I tend to be duty-oriented, and with homeschooling, it's easy to get into a legalistic rut with that. Seeing how swiftly life can be forever altered by a stroke has made an imprint in my mind. There's still pressure from the outside world to perform all the time, and it's hard to resist that mindset, let me tell you. Do this, do that. Get this done. There's a constant hum of activity just pressuring us to keep busy.
I'm not so interested anymore. Hard to change tactics when life is so tuned into what we produce in any given day. Makes me tired.
Still remember what my mom said a couple of days after her stroke. She said, "I just wish I'd had more fun."