Friday, December 27, 2013

Nat'l Guard Day

Third son had to spend the night with the other recruits at a hotel, so they'd be ready to finish up testing, etc. this morning. He called me at about 9:50am today, and we had to hurry down to the MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) location to be there for his swearing in.  Very official place.  Had to be buzzed in, and felt in a foreign sort of place.  See, we're not military, unless you want to count my dad and father-in-law and all grandfathers before us.  Draftees.  Nah.  Not military.

Anyway, his recruiter, who is a very sweet girl---young at 28, took these photos and several more.  Sure appreciate that. The girls wanted to go see him sworn in, but the boys were either at work, or just stayed at home.  Lots to follow.  He'll ship out (as they say) to basic training on January 13th. Whoosh.  He'll be in South Carolina for 9 weeks, followed by specialized training, who knows where, for 8 weeks.  I'll miss my baby.

I think I need a good cry.