Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy almost New Year's

Love, love, love the turning of a calendar page, beginning a new week, a fresh new day, but especially a new year.  Gary says I always say I'm glad to begin a new year since the past one was so hard.  Surely I don't always say it.  Surely I'm more original than that.  But, I think I can honestly say that this one was very difficult.  But we all can.  Deaths, broken relationships, in my mom's case---a stroke, too much busyness, exhaustion, tight muscles, inability to relax, frustrating money situations, and the list goes on and on.

My focus in 2014 is to take better care of my health.  Was thinking with third son going to Basic Training for 9 weeks beginning January 14th, that I'll work on my own personal bootcamp here, along the same time. Gives me a time frame and a way to judge my progress, if I work alongside of him.  'Course he'll be way over in South Carolina, but you get what I'm trying to say.

With my mom's stroke, I've experienced a wake-up call.  Sure, she had it at 84 with little health issues before then (well, high b/p which precipitated it), and that's a pretty darn good track record.  But, with my migraines, figure taking care of my heart and brain would be an excellent use of my time.

So, today deep breaths.  Tomorrow a re-focus.  May God bless us all.