Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday night

Still sick.  A side benefit is that I can't go to the hospital to visit 'cause they'd boot me out---coughing to beat band, fever, and aches.  I think both oldest daughter and I are exhausted.  Poor immune systems with all that's been going on.  We caught the mega-cold, got better then wham! got hit with it again, and harder the second time.

As to mom updates, my brothers said they'd get with the social worker/etc. today to get something moving. Haven't heard anything from either of them today, so figuring the social worker wasn't able to get back to my brother.  Guessing.  I'd really appreciate even an email saying they know nothing rather than the silence.  My extended family is a bit weak on communication.

My friend Patricia said the wisest thing to me years ago, and I've shared it here before.  'Make sure you're living YOUR life and not someone else's.  It's too easy to get so caught up with what someone else is going through that you forget yourself.' Or something to that effect.  Wise words.

Must go dope myself up now.  So tired of coughing.  But think both oldest daughter and I are possibly past the hardest part. Take care.