Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Late Tuesday afternoon

The photo is of my new hair-do thing.  I was invited to an online party by a friend from church, and part of the fun was that one participant would win a piece of hair jewelry.  Happily I can say that I was the lucky winner.  Got the piece in the mail this week, and today was playing around with it. Much nicer than the plastic claw I sometimes use. The site is called Lilla Rose, and really, their hair clips and sticks, etc. are exceptional.  Bendable as well (I heard that the figure eight part is made of piano wire, so it moves and isn't stiff), so that you can cram a lot of hair into one.  And I've got a lot to cram, especially considering my mop of hair is down to the middle of my back.

Anyway.  That's about as exciting as it's gotten here today.  Finished up school for the week.  Will whip the house into shape tomorrow with hosing off the siding and hosing off/sweeping the porches.  Planting a flat of pansies and violas. Baking pies and just having a restful day.  Church will cap off the evening, and you won't hear any complaints out of me.  Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite days of the year, with cutting and simmering celery and onions being at the top of my JOY list.  It just smells so good, and when I'm doing that, I'm happy.  Now I'm off to cook scraps for everyone. Plain old mac and cheese from boxes tonight.  They'll be starving come Thursday. :)