Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday night's thoughts

  • Kids at my mom's or at their jobs this afternoon.  
  • Time alone---even brief is a blessing. 
  • Relief at a major overdue bill getting mailed today.  
  • Thinking on Thanksgiving.  
  • Went to the Intercessory Prayer meeting at church today.  Seven of us.  Lots of older folks dressed warmly causing the room to smell comfortingly of mothballs.  Woolen coats.  
  • Two Thanksgiving Eve services will be held next Wednesday.  The noon one will be minus incense, but the 6pm one will be, as our priest laughingly put in the Sunday bulletin---smokey.  The church seems to be split about using it, but thankfully our priest is open to both views, and won't simply stop using the incense for the few who object.  He's covering all the bases.  Must be hard.  And glad he's cool that way, though also very old-fashioned, or maybe he's just being liturgical.
  • Oldest daughter bought the pugs sweaters to wear.
  • They're pink for Violet and black for Daisy.
  • Daughter said she got the black because it's very slimming.
  • Daisy is a bit fluffy, or chubby.  Depends on how you look at it.
  • Taking fourth son to the dental school tomorrow---at 8am.  Way too early.
  • Thankful to have something to read so as to entertain myself.
  • But mostly thankful to get that bill paid.  Makes everything better.