Today has been a bit off kilter. Began it alone with quiet time in church while Sunday School was in session, and while the organist was practicing. A welcome lull in my morning. Was happy to have oldest daughter come to the service, and my husband. He's still uncomfortable---or at least it seems so. He tries to sound more enthusiastic than I think he's really feeling. He can't get into the swing of the upping and downing of the service. Says he wants more time to think on things, but really, an Anglican church service really is busy, or at least that's my experience. Worshipful, but busy. There is absolutely no time to nod off, not that I've ever seen Gary do that. I'm grateful for his effort, though.
And frustrated at the older gentleman who seems to chat up the ladies and work the room a bit too heartily. This was at the chili luncheon we had today. And it's not that he's lonely, but sort of fresh. It's uncomfortable, and he generally sits right behind me in church. (And keep in mind, since we use kneelers and if the person behind you kneels more than you do, then they're sort of in your hair...note to self: change my pew.) He finds things to say, and I've really never even had a real conversation with him. Just brief small talk....too friendly. His wife wasn't there today, and nuts to that. It appears that when she's there, she keeps him on a short leash. He's much more subdued when she's about. What is it with some people? Puts a shadow on my church experience to have to deal with him.
Honestly, since I've found this church to be such a blessing, I'm put out at having to deal with this nonsense. And nothing's going on that anyone can do anything about, but it's aggravating. Gary says the guy's harmless, and I agree, but it's annoying. I want to be left alone.
Forgive this rant. Probably too personal to post online, but I just don't care.