Saturday has turned out to be my favorite day of the week. Things have winded down, nobody can get me (not meaning to sound mysterious with that comment), usually the groceries for the weekend have been bought, and there tend to be few---if any errands to run.
Used to, I dreaded Saturdays. That was after we'd been going to the mega-Presbyterian church for a few years, and then I added the Anglican service on Sunday morning. That was exhausting. Too many people to please, and making sure I took care of my church needs as well. Way overmuch running around.
Now it's much better. The four youngest children seem to really enjoy St. James (which is such a joy for me to witness), and the weekends have taken on more of a relaxing mood.
For this weekend, I figure I'm hitting on a positive 98% in a measurement of how I feel. That 2% would be covered if we were flush with money. But as Gary said to me last night---having financial frustrations are minimal considering we have a strong marriage, good kids, no illness and most other things are fine. He emphasized that a steady relationship between the two of us is key, and he's right. Can't ever take that for granted.
Now spaghetti's simmering, and I just got out the yeast for making bread for dinner. We'll have salad with that and Gary's favorite German chocolate cake for his birthday dinner. Middle daughter will bake shortbread to take as a dessert for tomorrow's church lunch, and I'll make jalapeno cornbread to take. Easy and yummy. A glorious day, all around.