Well, the Thanksgiving shopping is done. Even got an extra turkey to save for Christmas, because, where we shop, they raise the prices again the day after Thursday and don't reduce them for Christmas. I find that a bit puzzling, but my mom always made ham for Christmas dinner, so don't remember what folks did in the old days (meaning when I was a child!).
Planning on going the the prayer service tomorrow morning, and then puttering in the church kitchen, getting it all tidy for the dinner our priest and his wife will hold there on Thursday for anyone who's not got anywhere to go. Then on Wednesday night, will go back for services. Maybe I can twist Gary's arm to go as well (crossed fingers). I've not been to an evening service, and with the lights muted, it ought to be breath-taking.
Oldest daughter told me as we were driving home from the store that now I can relax, and really, she's right. There's no reason at all that I can't take a DEEP breath and enjoy the rest of the week. I know I'll avoid the topic of Christmas. I mean, really? It's way too early for that.
(the photo is of gary when we visited his parents up in baltimore when we were engaged (1982---doesn't feel like 30 years ago)....we were at atlantic beach in this picture...he just began growing what ended up being his huge mustache during this trip! to see a more current photo of him, go here.)