Monday, November 26, 2012

Later on Monday night

*Squeezing every bit of autumn out of November that I possibly can.  December isn't on my mind so much, as it seems to be on everyone else's.  No way.  No how.  If I think of Christmas, I get an antsy feeling that settles in my insides, and I'm not ready for the pressure.  Am just fine looking at oranges, golds and browns. The red and greens will just have to wait.

*Got a pile of books at the library today.  Well, a small pile, including Walker Percy's The Moviegoer which has pretty sparkly reviews. 'Course, it's not a new book, but it will be to me since I've not ever read it.  And I've said this before, but I tend to avoid Southern writers.  Folks in the South are so often portrayed as mental, or overboard in their behavior.  Might be true that we are, but I don't have to read about it.  But still, would prefer to read a book by a Southerner about us than by someone from another part of the country who attempts it and fails.

*Listening to our clothes dryer which has a bit of a thump when it spins.  And it sounds like a chain of some sort got in between the drum and whatever it spins in.  Not excited at the prospect of us having to take the dryer apart and look inside.  Yuck.

*Wishing for the thousandth time, as I have with all of our boys, that we had wood to chop.  Our youngest son is driving me slowly around the bend, and am having a challenging time thinking of enough things for him to do.  Have heard others talk about how hard it is for some boys to have to listen to their mothers boss them, being that it's the male/female issue rearing its head.  They don't want to listen to motherly instruction and it's an age thing.  Odd that it's been the same for each of our boys.  Thankfully it passes.  Can't happen soon enough for me.

*That's all I got.  Going to stick my nose in a book and fugettaboutit.