Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pre-Thanksgiving chatter

Bought a turkey.  A bit shocked at how busy the grocery store was this afternoon. What was I thinking?  Of course it was busy. But truly, I've found that the very best time to shop is after dinner.  Most folks are home, and have either already been out, or will go the next day.  At least at the store we go to---people don't buy groceries much after 7pm.

Trying to get it in 'major chill' mode.  Over the phone this morning got into a discussion with Gary about the bills that are wedging into being late, but not too awfully late.  He's already worrying about things that have to be paid after Thanksgiving, and I was trying to reason with him, saying that we have enough to think about without that being a bother while we're stuffing ourselves this next week.  I mean, really.  I want to eat turkey and all the trimmings with a free conscience.  No worries, and don't think that's too much to ask.

Anyway.  Fed the family homemade rolls and tuna salad tonight, though I'd not say that canned tuna fish is cheap fare, anymore.  If I'm going to spend around seven dollars for meat for a meal, it'd better be something more interesting than tuna. Huh.  And at nearly or at a buck a can, I say 'huh' again.

Best go.  Am reading a couple of Thomas Howard's books, and thinking about things. Thankful for the lull of Thanksgiving week before the full brunt of Christmas smacks me in the face.  I'm more into anticipation of events, and would be fine with passing over the real thing.  Looking forward is always more fun.