Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Feeling a bit 'sucker punched' after last night.  I was so hopeful that we could get out from under this current administration.  I do realize, though, that God selects our rulers, but dislike hearing folks say that 'we get what we deserve.'  Sounds sorta cocky to me.  Maybe we get what we need.  Like a whuppin' from time to time. Tired of getting whupped.

It's hard to focus after so many weeks of a heavy political diet.  So many hopes, plans and dreams go by the wayside.  At least to me, when we have a Republican in the White House, I feel that a party is in charge that can lead in a rational way.  I feel safer and more secure, not so much like someone's going to pull the rug out from under me.  Now, I don't follow the Republicans blind...I realize they're flawed as well, but their party platform isn't left-wing like the other guys.

Still makes me want to gag that my mom and two older brothers supported this president.  Don't know if she voted, but it puts a bit of wrench in a relationship when something so important is looked at differently.  When our mindsets are on opposing sides.  What's up with that?  Why did all three of them veer off course, and in such a clone-like fashion, even back 4 years ago?  Off they went.  Carrot's all about carrot dangling.  That and promises that just don't pan out.  Maybe that's the same thing.

For many, it seems, politics is about what they (the government) can do for me.  For others, it's coming against those who would choose to take something from me....freedoms, most likely.  Bummer.