Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday afternoon

Waiting in a pretty clean house (with my pile o' pugs) for our weekend guests to get here.  I never like the initial 'hey, how are you?' period in seeing folks either for the first time, or after a prolonged absence.  Would prefer to pass over that few minutes.  Not unlike that uncomfortable time when you have to say good-bye. Nevermind.  I'm not much of a social butterfly, in case you'd not noticed!

Nice to have the house tidy, though.  I don't want to do anything but sit for fear of making a mess.

First born is back from his dentist's appointment just now.  He's still go to go into work at 10pm, since he's continuing his holiday hours....10pm-7am.  He's adjusted to the time change, but I'm sure his wisdom tooth extraction will make him a bit slow tonight.  Would me.  We'll have to grab the dogs when they get here, because they absolutely explode when someone new comes.  All four dogs will go nuts.  I have kids that behave in public, but can't say the same for the dogs.  A bit over the top, you might say.

But for now, will relish the fun times the kids will have with the company coming.  Add two more 23 and the other 17 and we'll have a houseful.  Keep 'em fed and let them entertain themselves.  Works every time.