Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday night

Began reading a review book for Thomas Nelson this weekend and it is GOOD.  The following snippets of a quote have really stuck with me and made me think....

"She'd heard God's healing power preached in church for years.  She's prayed for others to get healed.  But she never believed it would really happen...... 
It had always been so distant.  Like looking at a snow-capped mountain through binoculars turned the wrong way--not ever really knowing if her prayers made a difference.  Yes, sometimes people got better, but whether they did or didn't, it never diminished or increased her faith."~from Soul's Gate by James L. Rubart (emphasis mine)

Mull over that quote for a minute.  My problems is that, quite honestly, in my deepest of hearts want to enthusiastically believe in miracles, healings, and anything God can throw at me.  But my wanting to doesn't transfer over to me believing it can actually happen.  And, you know, that's just sad.  There's likely stuff that the Lord would like to bless me with, but my faith....pretty pathetic.

Something to think about.