Monday, November 26, 2012

Good grief

People are so odd.  Yesterday at church, I figured I'd gotten away with not having to speak to the 'man who is there.'  The kids and I had been in Sunday School, with me helping with the little ones, and so far, so good.  Most times I'm able to avoid meeting this man's eyes in the hallway, and don't go into rooms where he's either sitting or carrying on a conversation. Last weekend was wonderful because I had no contact with him whatsoever.  It's helped since we've decided the back row gives me a bit of a buffer. Besides, he really irritates the kids when he's so forward.

Anyway.  About yesterday.  The kids and I came into the nave from the front of the church, as everyone was getting settled.  The service had about 10 minutes to go before beginning.  We were walking toward the back row and were on the outside aisle by the windows (epistle-side, to be Mitford-like)---almost there, when out of the blue, that man rushes past his wife (he was sitting on the inside of the pew, and, yes, he actually was hurrying) toward me as we were about to pass his pew, forces me to stop, puts his arm around me in the aisle and asks if I know who a particular man is who's sitting a couple of rows in front of him.  Are you kidding me? Do we really even know one another?  A resounding no is the correct response.  And also, why the enthusiasm to get my attention? So very strange.  And, honestly, I couldn't make this stuff up.

The kids and one of the acolytes had been right behind me and middle daughter made a joke about the pile-up of folks who were backed up against me.  Funny if you think about it, but wasn't amusing at the time.

I didn't look up at him, but just muttered that I didn't know who the man was, which was a true statement, but still.  How forward does he have to be?  Anyone who was watching this nonsense would likely pick up the fact that I was irritated.

He reminds me of our year old puppy, Romeo, who thinks everyone's thrilled to see him no matter the circumstance.  Unfortunately, that just ain't true.