I was thinking just now that it'd be interesting if a person could just search the Internet for answers to those unaswerable questions. To know what would happen in the future and for those unseen things to be uncovered. Somewhere along the lines of a Magic 8 Ball. I do realize that sort of thing is God's business. But still---it'd be neat. Nice and clean and out in the open, so to speak.
But do I really want to know everything? Nah. My mom says that the Lord has told her when she's going to die. Not quite sure how to shelve that in my head, but it's what she says. And, no, she's not share with me, and that's the way I want to keep it. At lunch out with her on Saturday, after our food had been brought to the table, she began talking about cremation. I gently steered the conversation to the shrimp on our plates and the wonderful rainy day and thankfully the talk went uphill again. Some things aren't appropriate mealtime talking points. I think she wants to clear the air and not have any surprises jump out at anyone in regards to her plans, but I'm not so keen on going there while I'm eating.
Not knowing is most times a good thing. And not so much along the lines of ignorance being bliss, but I like not being in charge of stuff. Security, yeah, I love feeling secure. To know the bills are going to be paid (hopefully in the general area of being current---sigh), and that certain daily bits of life will go smoothly. I do like that part of life.
That trust part of living in God's life is a challenge. Seems we never get a true handle on it. Surrendering to it is another matter. I sometimes think the Lord keeps us guessing just so we don't get too cocky. Hopefully I'm nowhere near cocky.
(last year's fall photo of the house....will look like this again soon)