Striving to be up-beat today. A tiny bit anxious for Gary's folks/brothers/sisters-in-law up in Maryland. His parents are staying with a brother, since their house near the Chesapeake Bay might get a tad damp. Understatement. They're usually so laid back about the weather, though, that seems we get more worried than they do, and they're in the thick of it. Must copy that behavior.
Anyway, back to the mood adjustment. Will get the schoolwork done in swift time and then we'll begin sprucing up the house. I like looking at photos of our home when company comes, because it's all extra-tidy and shiny.
Plain old white beans for dinner. Something simple that can simmer while we tidy.
Have a nice day. It's still chilly here, and we caved and turned on the heat yesterday. Cozy.
(one of the outside doors during the summer)