Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stuff and nonsense

Okay, so I don't think cr*p is a bad word, and will say it around the house when I get cranked up.  Yeah, that's not too awfully rowdy, and since profanity in books really offends me (except for Elizabeth Berg who writes really good stuff), this is as bad as it gets coming out of my mouth.  Well, mostly.  But out of respect for my friends here who have better taste than I do, I'll use the little star instead of the A.

The funny thing is that the girls tell me that I say, CRAY-up.  That puts a whole Southern spin on the word, doesn't it?  And now it doesn't even sound bad.  It just sounds ridiculous.  Unfortunately it's easy to make Southerners sound ridiculous.  I think it's 'cause we talk slower than most folks.  But maybe we make fewer mistakes because of that internal pause.  Will have to get back to you on that one.

Must go now.  Time to quit.