(Just took this quiz, and if I was wanting to know which side of my brain was dominant, I think I just sort of lost out!)
Nerves are a bit in a shambles. Pugs licking and scratching and driving me nuts. Noise all the time. Way too much grooming going on. But if you want pugs, you put up with the almost-constant carrying on. Then they'll look up at me with those eyes that remind me of cicadas. Eyeballs on the sides of their heads. A bug's face on a dog's head. We must be crazy to have pugs and 2 other dogs as well. And eight kids. What's up with that? Sometimes the sheer volume of beings in this house astounds me. Oh, and a conure. Another noise-maker.
The washer just stopped spinning. The pugs are now quiet and at this very minute I can barely hear our neighbor's compressor running...the almost-silence is nice. We think their power got cut off and that they're living on portable electricity now. Not easy for them and noisy for everyone. Life pinches from time to time.
Tonight we're having second son's best friend over for dinner. This son (the grill cook at a restaurant) will make dinner---he's thinking a steak chili from the Food Network website. Yum. I love it when he cooks, and he's not done it in awhile. It's always a treat.
Since I don't have anywhere to go today will try to relish some creative time. I found a link on Pinterest where a woman made a handmade journal out of paper sacks. She cut out portions for the pages, wet them, hung them to dry, ironed them (iron paper is SO wonderful), arranged them, sewed them together (using a coptic stitch, which I'd have to look up) and voila---a rough, and at-the-same-time, beautiful journal. Might have to think about that.