Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mid-week ramblings

Okay, I'll admit it.  There really is something to this Confirmation stuff.  It's not just words being said over you by the bishop.  Something happens.  Something spiritual.  I really, really have felt under attack since that weekend, and while I don't want to give the dark side too much credit for things they initiate, I believe with all my heart that they're angered when believers make a stand, and maybe even more so, when it's a public stand.  I realize I brought this up recently, but to me, it bears repeating.  Keep on your toes....or better yet, stay on your knees.

Am having to stay prayed up, and it's not always easy.  Those little sneaks creep in when I don't expect it.  And usually it's the smallest and most ordinary things that will rankle me.  But at least I'm aware.  I know what to do.

Thankful to get that overdue major bill in the mail--which will happen tomorrow.  Have to quit the martyr routine, which is where I sometimes go when the kids have to be part of the bill-paying situation.  They don't pay rent, but with their regular 40 hours/week incomes, are able to help when we ask.  Glad it's not been necessary for awhile.  It is SO DRAINING to have to ask them.  Humbling and humiliating.  Get your head around those emotions.  But they're always so sweet, never grabby and glad to help.  Honestly I think it makes them feel grown-up.   Well, some of them are, I guess, so it's time to realize how expensive and worrisome life can be.

We were hoping to have it so they'd not have to be involved, but a client who asked to try out one of Gary's vapors, is having to return it before paying, because her mother had a financial emergency.  It happens.

Anyway, today's fine.  Went to the Intercessory Prayer group that met today at church.  One of the women called me on the phone, inviting me to come and I'm very glad I did.   They follow prayers from The Book of Common Prayer, and at the risk of anyone thinking there's little power in these old prayers, think again.  The service lasted about 30 minutes with actual prayer and about 5 minutes into it, I began to cry.  The Holy Spirit was at work, I have no doubts.

(julian of norwich quote courtesy of bonnie)