Saturday, October 6, 2012

Late Saturday afternoon

Went out to lunch with my mom....she had a gift card for Olive Garden, and it was nice.  We had an exceptional waiter, and I wouldn't have minded bringing him home.  Such a sweetheart. And the food was yummy...shrimp scampi and the salad/bread. Always good, but then again, I'll eat out anywhere.  I do adore going out for a meal.

Rainy day, overcast and no hurries.  A few errands, and home to rest.  I tidied up after I got on comfortable clothes and that's always nice to get me into an at home mood again.  Have already shared that I really don't like to be gone long, just long enough to cause me to appreciate getting back.

Will go now.  Have a bag of those Indian red/orange lentils to prepare along with some rice.  I'll tell you...with this diet I'm on, and I will call it a diet....I'm heavy into the grains, not so much the fruit/veg (expenses mostly) and it's working for me.  None or little bread and very minimal sugar.  The fiber must be a plus for me, for some reason.  It's filling and keeps me from yearning, and of course, that's a very good thing.

Next stop.  The kitchen and dinner.