Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mom stuff

Tired in a motherly sort of way.  Took oldest daughter to the dentist and it turns out, this tooth was saved from a root canal and only needed a sizable filling.  She is scheduled to get a crown on it at some time, but for now, that tooth is secure.  A blessing. She still has to get a back molar pulled on Monday, but we'll take care of that then and not fret too much yet.

And second son was called in to work this morning, unexpectedly.  On his one day off.  Makes me SO mad.  I have to watch my tongue, though, because I'm liable to express my opinion too loudly and this son in particular, doesn't like it when I get too vocal.  But as Gary tells him---I'm just looking out for him and am entitled to get upset with/for him.

Also feeling for my husband who's trying to get a job completed for the paycheck.  Such is the self-employed life.  Staying on your toes and trying to get it all done.  Do-able, but exhausting.

This is my day.  Wearing some burdens (some not mentioned), and as I told oldest daughter, feeling a bit worn down which is where the Lord allows me to be when He's got things working in the background.  Feeling fragile and thin-skinned.  It seems when I get to feeling so mentally depleted that I see Him taking action.  That's the way with me and maybe for you as well. It's one of those surrendering times that have to have their way.

About to schedule some schoolwork then it's a nap and reading for me. Take care.