Feeling a tad overwhelmed. Not sure why, and this is usually how it goes. I'm thinking partly I feel smooshed by all the humanity/dog-ness I live with here. As soon as I open the bedroom door in the morning, Romeo the puppy is RIGHT THERE with his wet nose nudging me. And since our bedroom is 5 steps below the level of the kitchen door, as I walk up the steps, his nose is level with my face. Not the way I want to begin the day. I appreciate his enthusiasm for my presence, but really, is it necessary first thing in the morning? I think not.
Just now went over to one of our neighbors with 3 of the kids to clean out her bushes of convolvulus and honeysuckle. Her huge azaleas have been buried over the summer with vines and now they can b-r-e-a-t-h-e. This is the sweet neighbor who's got her Zen on that I mentioned last week. Remember she gave me a huge jade then, and today gave me two cuttings from one of her orchids. I told her I was scared of them, and it might just be a matter of time before they pass on. She laughed and asked if I wanted to see the African violet she had to throw away earlier today. That does help! Fortunately she lent me an orchid book as well. We'll see how this flies. And to think that I used to have such a green thumb. Sadly, it seems to only be working on what's outside, though.
And trying to let God work and not fret. Will have to get back to you on that one. A major bill is past-due and while I bragged the other day about not being such a worry-wort, I'm showing my stripes today. Maybe still tired from the cold that's just now leaving, and not feeling rested like I'd like, plus old evil one, or his cohorts have been picking at me since Confirmation day. Rats. Note to self: He does have it under control.
Oh well.
Looking forward to Saturday. They observe St. Francis' Feast Day and have a blessing of the animals. Gary just rolls his eyes at that, but I think gets a kick out the Anglican frills, as long as he's just hearing about it and not having to participate. Middle daughter wants to take Violet the pug, but she's such an excitable dog, that that won't happen. Daughter said she wanted Violet to get confirmed since she herself will go through the process next fall. Silly girl. We'll just go to watch. Might be fun.
Must be off now. Schoolwork to go over and then the post office and must needs get some potatoes. Remember to tuck some fun into your day....I'll do the same.