Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday before dinner...

Today has sort of been draggy.  Got up later than I'd planned, but that's okay.  Weekends tend to be full, but still, I got the kitchen cleaned and most of the huge pile of laundry done.  Schoolwork was finished as well.

Told one of the kids that I don't give myself credit, though.  Really, I washed 'who knows how many' loads of clothes---thinking it was about seven and put them in the dryer.  It's been chilly and rainy so hanging them out hasn't been an option.  Folded the working boys' pants/shirts so they'd not have to be ironed (insert hearty laugh here).  Cleaned up after everyone's eating since they'd been sloppy about it themselves this weekend.

I tend to do a whole lot of stuff and then fuss at myself that my over-long list didn't get finished.  What gives there?

And tomorrow will take oldest daughter to get 2 root canals done.  Not sure how long that will take, but will leave work for the kids to do so that they don't turn into idiots while I'm gone.  I think they'll be fine.  Just kidding about the idiot part.

Now will warm-up the leftover spaghetti.  Putter around and make out a small grocery list.  Must have something easy for dinner tomorrow.

Take care.