Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lil Miss Grumpy Pants (again)

Sometimes I just don't get life.  You'd think I sort of had a handle on things, but that's not the case.  I don't pretend to know it all, but would like to for even a brief span of the day.  Good luck with that, you might be saying.

A bit wired just now.  Just feeling that a touch from the Lord would be a refreshment.  I told Gary before he left for the shop this morning that I needed to see a miracle, and he reminded me that they're happening all the time.  True, but maybe I'm wanting to be slapped upside the head with one.  You think?

One of Gary's vapor customers received a piece (the one shown) on Tuesday and hasn't responded to him.  He was sending it to her to try out, and she's not said a WORD about it.  Huh.  All she's got to do is email him.

See, this what gets to me....I just want stuff to happen, and it drives me nuts when I have to dredge up extra patience.  I count my pile of money, seeing how close we are to paying a bill, but it all depends either on one of those miracles that are supposedly spinning around here, or it depends on this customer.  It makes me feel so horsey.

It'll serve me right if she Paypals today and I'm left swallowing my mad.

When God is silent, I get antsy.  Not ashamed to admit it, and am being honest with my frustration.  But I also know that He just waits me out, and rarely comes running in to save the day while I'm all grouchy. Have to get it out of my system first, and then things tend to flow.

So, here we go again.  Ready, set, go.