Friday, October 19, 2012

Winding up the week

painting by Gari Melchers
Have been plagued by some demon-like creature called FEAR for quite awhile now.  Used to, when I prayed for something and the answer was provided, I'd rest in that and go about my day.  Here lately, it seems, I almost covet the fear that's been dogging me.  I look up, expecting it to visit me.  What's up with that?

I was praying about it earlier this morning before my off-spring got up, asking for deliverance and a clear spirit.  Not easy.  Sometimes I feel immediate relief, but this time, the wicked little creep seems to have gotten his claws in me a bit.  It's taking more to dislodge.

I'm afraid of the what-ifs and I need to quit it.  The major bill got paid, only to have another bill stare me in the face for next week.  This is the way with everyone, but some of us get rattled more over it.  The verse about not worrying about tomorrow is very appropriate, but to put it into effect, I have to PRACTICE it. ::dust self off and get it in gear::

Guess today will be a continual feast of taking authority, without letting it take the sparkle from my day.  It is lovely outside.  Even hanging out clothes is a delight.  Must focus on that!

The thing is, when I allow fear to hold sway, I'm denying God's influence on my life, and that's just a wretched way to be.  Who's in charge anyhow?  I know the answer, but don't always live in a way that shows it to be true.  If fear is my bedfellow, then apparently I'm quite comfy with it.  NO!

Talking about it, and stating this right here is a help.  I'm not going through anything new, but just need to continue to address it until it's conquered.