Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A play day for Thursday

Here I lie in bed, thinking about tomorrow.  As far as I know, there are no errands outside the house for me to perform.  If I have my druthers, it'll be a quiet day of puttering along, putting the tablecloth and lace back on the dining room table, and the old patterned tablecloth back on top of the refrigerator.  They got washed and hung out to dry last week, and have been folded up ever since.  I've been too hot to even think of decorating.  I want to re-arrange things a bit and put them in different places. Re-pot some begonias, and basically just shake things up a little.  Visual stimulation goes a long way in making me happy.

And it's been a frustrating series of days.  Our washing machine drains into the double kitchen sinks (done before we bought the house, by the owners who were fix-it types), and has been on the brink of overflowing for weeks off and on.  The boys would get on the roof, run the hose down the outlet drain and it'd be fine for a day, then clog up again.  Gary found a gizmo in his bag of plumbing tricks and got up there this evening. The sinks were good and clogged this time.  Finally, relief.  Now I don't have to watch the sinks when the washer spins out, and that's a very good thing.

Plus our vacuum bit the dust awhile back and I'm using Gary's shop vac.  Not recommended for the faint of heart.  Man, that beggar is hard to drag along.  Will be glad for the opportunity to get another home vacuum, but still, glad of having his to use.  Can't complain too awfully much.

Seems I spend an awful amount of time in simply maintaining the status quo around here.  Keeping the house reasonably decent, groceries in the cabinets and milk in the fridge.  When one part of the house breaks (the sink, for example), it puts a drain on the day.

The least one wants to sew tomorrow.  Awhile back, we got out felt and the two younger girls made small stuffed creatures, for lack of a better name.  They were sort of like monsters.  Anyway, while middle daughter enjoyed it, the least one had a real talent for it.  So tomorrow I'll let her create.  It's so easy for the day to pass with only chores completed, and nothing fun being accomplished.  Time to shake it up a bit.

Will try to get the basic chores done early, to leave the day for play.  I need it as much as the kids.  Must remember that.