Monday, June 3, 2013

'Francis, Man of Prayer' by Mario Escobar

After reading Mario Escobar's book Francis, Man of Prayer to review, I'm left with one thought.  It reads more like a lengthy encyclopedia entry than a biography.  I realize that historical information is important so that we can understand where Pope Francis has come from, yet the end result isn't personal, but more factual.

Don't get me wrong.  I like this new pope.  He seems sincere and as if he really wants to work with the people.  He's very engaging.  But to me he was displayed in the book almost as infallible.  He's human like the rest of us, and maybe I'd have to be Catholic to appreciate the honor bestowed on popes.

Still, for a book that was obviously whipped into shape at amazing speed, the information is helpful. Because of that, I would have been surprised if it had had a more personal edge to it, so a follow-up book after Pope Francis has proved himself might be advisable.

(i was given this book free to review from thomas nelson/booksneeze)