Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Been cleaning.  The house has been a dusty mess since all the washer drama, along with the chicken coop finishing-upping.  And had to find places to put assorted bird necessities.

This chicken paraphernalia is a bit bulky.  Pine shavings in a big square (thankfully in plastic), and a bag of this stuff that's supposed to cut down on stinky poo smells, something chickens are known for.  You do get used to it, but this bag of stuff Gary got really does work beautifully.  It's made for horse stalls, and is along the same line as kitty litter, but you can't put regular litter in with chickens.  Their coop is all cozy-looking with the shavings/etc. on all flat surfaces.  We also froze a gallon milk jug full of water and put it in a bowl (for drips) to keep them cool when they're shut inside their little home.  Just lends a coolness to the air, even though the coop is ventilated really well.  When middle daughter let them out about an hour ago (had to pen them up so the big dogs could get some exercise), Nora was sitting along-side of it. Don't blame her one bit.  It's darn hot today.

Not much else cookin'.  Gary's bid got accepted (so thankful, but not surprising...we really like this Interior Designer he's got the job from...can't ever remember her having clients turn down his work), but more would be nice.  Living like the wandering Israelites again, and I get their angst.  Wouldn't mind food dropping down from the sky, though. Would save me a trip.

Need to rest now.  Take care.