Saturday, June 15, 2013

Busted stuff

Life's funny.  Things break in a series, it seems.  Vaccum's busted, weedeater's busted, and now washer's busted.  Glad I think of them happening in threes, because we're there!

Relieved, though, that things like this don't twist up my knickers like they used to.  I remember several years ago Gary's Suburban having issues at his shop and I had to help him chain/pull it home with my truck and that's a distance of about 12 miles.  I was a mess when we got home.  Can't recall why it made me so nervous, but it was too much at the time.  If I had to do it today, it'd not be a big deal.  Same with jury duty.  I used to get so rattled thinking of doing that and when it actually happened, it was a wonderful adventure.  For me it was.  The guy up on trial didn't fare so well.  Consider most of the jurors were women and if I told you what he was up for, you'd know why he went for the deal and avoided a trial by jurors.  Justice is sweet.

Anyway, not sure about the washer.  It's not that old, and we've already replaced the timer and pump.  This might be more terminal with the motor, though.

Ho hum.  I do wash about 4 loads/day, and don't relish going to the whatchamacallit, where folks do their laundry, but that might be an adventure too.  It's been years and years since we've had to do that, but I'm not proud.  Just will have to gather up some quarters, I reckon.

It's all about balance, and putting things in perspective. And with Father's Day tomorrow, there's already enough on my plate.  It'll all get figured out.

Take care and enjoy your weekend. :)