Friday afternoon
- it's an absolutely gorgeous day today--low humidity, and the temperature isn't overly high at 87F.
- been hot enough and humid enough lately to make me want to cry
- sweet indian boyfriend will be here for dinner
- daughter bought fixings for wrapped chicken, but i think i waited too late in putting it in the crockpot
- might have to put everything in my cast iron pot on the stove in a minute
- speed things up
- finished a book to review last night and it aggravated me so much
- the characters were so annoying, and i didn't enjoy it one bit
- began well, but thinking the review i write might be a bit testy
- the other reviews about it online are extremely favorable
- extremely
- darn it
- this has happened before---read a book, and then be the sole person who doesn't paint a favorable review
- tough to be me
- husband went over to my mom's to pick up a mower yesterday
- one of my brothers was there as well, visiting her
- the brother who's blocked my email
- remind me, how old is he?
- even hearing about them makes my hands break out in a rash
- had to take off all of my rings
- this has got to stop
- the silent treatment is an insane way to deal with folks
- again, tough to be me
- but---going out with oldest daughter tomorrow
- hoping to go to the hippie store to pick up the herbs i need for the next lesson in my herbal class
- enjoying it so much
- must keep focused on what brings me joy, and shove all other topics aside
- and, it's father's day weekend---must get gary into a holiday spirit of things
- enjoy your evening, and plan something fun